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Budget 2022-23 shows India’s commitment to natural, chemical-free, organic and zero-budget farming. It is the third time in the last four budget where (zero budget) natural farming finds a mention.-IAS SCORE

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Invasive alien species threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Africa: Study
A recent study shows that Africa may lose about $3.66 trillion annually due to impact of Invasive alien species (IAS) on agriculture.-IAS SCORE

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Invasive alien species threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Africa: Study
A recent study shows that Africa may lose about $3.66 trillion annually due to impact of Invasive alien species (IAS) on agriculture.-IAS SCORE

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Invasive alien species threaten agriculture and biodiversity in Africa: Study
A recent study shows that Africa may lose about $3.66 trillion annually due to impact of Invasive alien species (IAS) on agriculture.-IAS SCORE

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Recently Agartala Smart City adopts ‘one for ten’ trees compensatory afforestation drive to minimise ecological loss-IAS SCORE

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