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International Museum Day 2022
National Museum New Delhi would be celebrating International Museum Day 2022 for five day from 16th May to 20th May.-IAS SCORE

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Why India bans Wheat exports
The Annual consumer price inflation (CPI) has hitting a near eight-year-high of 7.79 per cent in April and retail food inflation (RFI) surging even higher to 8.38 per cent.-IAS SCORE

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What are Protected Mobility Vehicles
The Indian Army has floated a ‘Request for information (RIF)’ to purchase Protected Mobility Vehicles (PMV) for high-altitude areas and for deserts and plains.-IAS SCORE

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ISRO successfully tests solid rocket booster for Gaganyaan programme
Designed and developed by the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) as a part of ‘Gaganyaan Human spaceflight mission’.-IAS SCORE

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Did the RBI wait too long to raise interest rates?
With the disruption caused by the pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war, central banks had to walk a tightrope walk between growth and inflation.-IAS SCORE

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Finland and Sweden are set to apply for NATO membership
Finland and Sweden could apply for membership of the 30-nation NATO alliance within days, ending decades of military non-alignment in a historic shift triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.-IAS SCORE

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Protected Mobility Vehicles
The Army has floated a Request for Information (RFI) to purchase Protected Mobility Vehicles (PMV) for high-altitude areas and for deserts and plains.-IAS SCORE

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