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5. e-DAR portal to speed up accident compensation claims
The Ministry of Roads, Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has developed the portal named ‘e-DAR’ (e-Detailed Accident Report). -IAS SCORE

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Half of Indian states lags national average in first energy, climate index
The NITI Aayog released India’ first State Energy and Climate Index (SECI, Round 1) for performance in various dimensions of energy-efficiency and climate-resilience.-IAS SCORE

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6th mass extinction underway, courtesy humans
Earth is losing species at an unprecedented rate; this marks the beginning of the Anthropocene Epoch, a self-aggrandising nomenclature that highlights our disproportionate and irreversible impacts on the surrounding-IAS SCORE

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The India-Australia Trade Agreement
On April 2, India and Australia signed an Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA).-IAS SCORE

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Making Groundwater Visible
The theme of this year’s World Water Day (March 22) was ‘Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible’. -IAS SCORE

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UN takes note of global indigenous fire practices to control wildfires
The United Nations has taken note of burning practices and techniques of indigenous peoples around the world as a method to control wildfire incidents in a recent report on increasing incidences of fires globally.-IAS SCORE

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Energy transition holds key to tackle global energy and climate crisis: IRENA
World Energy Transitions Outlook outlines priority actions till 2030 to keep 1.5

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Poverty rose but income inequality fell
Poverty certainly rose during the COVID-19 pandemic. After examining the monthly data from Consumer Pyramids Household Survey 2021, it was found that extreme poverty rose from 7.6% in November 2019 to 11.7% in July 2021.-IAS SCORE

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36-million-year-old whale fossil found in Peruvian desert
Palaeontologists recently unveiled the fossilized remains of an ancient whale that inhabited the seas 36 million years ago, found last year in a Peruvian desert. -IAS SCORE

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Abel prize for 2022 goes to American mathematician Dennis P. Sullivan
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has awarded the Abel prize for the year 2022 to American Mathematician Dennis Parnell Sullivan.-IAS SCORE

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