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Please share with us your role as the Chief Technology Officer at WeWork.
I am very fortunate to lead the technology organization here at WeWork. This team consists of talented individuals

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3.1 Financial Benefits of Integrating ESG Principles into Decision-Making
Integrating ESG principles into the C-suite decision-making process brings forth substantial financial benefits for organizations. Research has consistently shown that companies with strong ESG

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Have you ever thought about your company’s employees as brand ambassadors? Sure, they may not be working in the marketing department, Read more @ https://hrtechcube.com/brand-marketing-success-starts-with-a-positive-workplace-experience/

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Please share a few words about yourself and your role as the Chief People Officer at Gympass.
As Chief People Officer at Gympass, the corporate wellness platform on a mission to make wellbeing universal,read more @ https://hrtechcube.com/hrtech-interview-with-livia-de-bastos-martini/

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As work evolves to accommodate in-office, hybrid, and completely remote employees, HR leaders are increasingly relying on technology to bridge the gaps of communication, efficiency, Read more @https://hrtechcube.com/4-tech-tools-to-make-work-life-easy/

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I am a lead coach with QAD Redzone. I have more than 25 years of manufacturing and consulting experience. As a Lead Coach, Read more @ https://hrtechcube.com/hrtech-interview-with-christian-paulsen/

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Organizations of all sizes have been forced to adopt Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives and Environmental, Social, and Governance practices. In this context, HR executives play a vital role in fostering recycling

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We are thrilled to announce our highly anticipated "Reward and Recognition 2023" Event- Mark your calendars for 14th July 2023 and prepare for an unforgettable evening filled.Read more on - https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7084845477803769856

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The advent of hybrid work has permanently altered the employee experience, with varying perspectives depending on the company, department, or region. However, most organizations continue to treat the employee experience as a one-size-fits-all approach, which is no longer effective

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I quickly changed my career path to becoming a recruiter and spent almost three decades in talent acquisition and attraction. read more @ Employee engagement,HR professionals,HR roles,HR technologies,HRTech,HRTech Interview,Onboarding,talent acquisition

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