Illusionsforum Публичная группа

Whatever You Want it to Be!
We are a free forum with members from all over the world - Genral Chat, GFX Battles, Graphics and Photography, Movies, Music, Games, Debates and much more!
New members are more than welcome to join in!

17 стикеров | 6 подписчиков

My other entry in the GFX Battle. I wasnt very happy with this one....dont like the glow on the floor :(

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One of my entries in the GFX Battle just gone...I liked this one :]


13 лет назад

funny animals, cool!

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My other entry in GFX battle (I made 2 this week). Theme was Dantes Inferno as you may have guessed :P hehe


13 лет назад

This one Lust...

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13 лет назад

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My Entry for this weeks GFX Battle :]


13 лет назад

Пользователь был заблокирован

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13 лет назад

Number 2 is the guy who won on ''THIS one (# 4)...he is my main competition I think :]

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My entry in this weeks GFX Battle :]

I hope you like it ;-)


13 лет назад

hellow, again, i don't find private message so writen here: do you interested in language exchange with me?) i bad speak on english, and want to practise… ONLY if you interested, pls write me on

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13 лет назад

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My entry for this weeks GFX Battle :]


13 лет назад

Я не умею делать ничего подобного... :(

I can not do anything like this ... : (

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13 лет назад

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My entry in this weeks GFX Battle :]


13 лет назад

Who is this

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13 лет назад

Maybe Im just seeing things....maybe you didnt really give it a -. Silly me :S

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Pic I made for this weeks GFX Battle...dunno if Im 100% happy with it though


13 лет назад

Очень красиво!

Very nice!


13 лет назад

Thanks ;-)

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