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13 лет назад

put some pictures on you page


13 лет назад

I think people hate you .


13 лет назад

''@ hunterpeach - you rude little shit!

There is more to this site than just pictures and if you had half a brian you would know this. It might be hard to believe this, but we are not putting stuff on here just to please you!!! I think no one likes you and the crap you put on here is more like it. :(


13 лет назад

TY, @Tara.

But I just sent him to blacklist: such estupidos does not understand words or logic.

it's a pity that the comments are non-removable here.

The stcickered site is Russian-language site about very specific kind of cryptoanalysis - using melting iron on enemy's anus to get passwords or another sensitive info. 99% of contents is a joke untranslateable to English.


13 лет назад

''@ grayman2000 Oh, your very welcome ;-)...Im so sick of their rubbish. He/she/it has already 'reported' all of my stickrs as offensive content (some of them after rating + with a positive comment mind you) 2 year olds just should not be allowed on the internet without parental supervision :D

And you know, one of the purposes of this site is bookmarking. While its nice to get positive ratings, it doesnt really matter what everyone else thinks about your stickrs....they are for you :] And anyway I like your stuff ;-)


13 лет назад


Leave him alone. And notify his parents about misbehavior :)

You're absolutely right: it is for bookmarking, and no one may dictate me, what to bookmark. (except for TOS and site owners)

In Russian internet-community (the RuNet, inofficial name? and I'm from Siberia) exists slang proverb of "Go away and study Olbanian language, S-o-B!" ("olbanian" == distorted "Albanian").

It was addressed first to one US-located person, who tried to start a holywar after could not read someone's LJ, written in Russian. He insisted that LJ is pure US-owned service and all "livejournalists" MUST write in English.

After short "gunfight" poor US citizen left the horizon.

Similar accusations I can sometime see here. But I just ignore these. Except for some minus ratings for stickers I put into "Funny Stuff" group: that group is mostly English, and I was wrong, putting Russian texts there.


13 лет назад

@Tara, @Hunterpeach

Aha! I got an idea!

The site's name is "Thermo-rectal-cryptoanalysis" (as I already told - using smelting iron...). May be we should learn from professionals and use that methods on poor PeachHunter? Such methods are make people VERY-VERY polite...




13 лет назад

@Hunterpeach, you want to get a warning too? One more time - if you don't understand russian don't read these stickers or rate them. We have separate rus and eng feeds.


13 лет назад

say sorry say sorry say sorry say sorry


13 лет назад

sorry for posting this @grayman2000


13 лет назад

@Katrin, WTH? Hp is on my blacklist, how it was possible for him to write here again?

У этого дятла еще и наглости хватает жаловаться на стикер, которого он не понял :)

@hunterpeach. Get lost. You should think before write. And before filing complaints.


13 лет назад

@ grayman2000....ahhh now this is a great idea! :] I think smelting iron (along with wise words from ''Katrin) will do the trick :D....lol but then again, a saying we have here "No brain, no pain" hahaha...so perhaps not ;-)

PS "Funny Stuff" is for funny stuff....weather it be text (Russian or English). Please dont stop putting funny things there :]

edit: I have HP on my blacklist to...it means they can still see all your stickrs (and comment) but you dont see their Stickrs :( and see what I mean about crazy? Said sorry then 'reported' your stickr :(


13 лет назад

@grayman2000, блэклист значит, что вы не будете видеть ее стикеры в публичной ленте. Однако она может читать вас, видеть ваши стикеры и комментировать.


13 лет назад

@Katrin хреново. А как же быть, если я не хочу, чтобы сей персонаж меня комментировал? А то ж именно из-за таких, как он(а) и родилось знаменитое "учи олбанскей, сцуко!" :)


13 лет назад

Пока, к сожалению, никак. Только создавать приватную группу, пригласить туда всех друзей и создавать там стикеры. Тогда персонаж не сможет их комментировать.

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