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Карма: 0.00

grassroots 2 года назад


grassroots 2 года назад

Seetha Devi Temple in Pullapally is a unique temple in the Wayanad District of Kerala. The main deity of the temple is Seetha Devi and along with her sons, Luv and Kush are also worshipped.

grassroots 2 года назад

Ambukuthi Mala – History

grassroots 2 года назад

Tholepetty Wildlife Sanctuary is a part of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which is spread across a 344 sq. km area in the Wayanad district, Kerala.

grassroots 2 года назад

Tholepetty Wildlife Sanctuary is a part of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which is spread across a 344 sq. km area in the Wayanad district, Kerala.

grassroots 2 года назад

Tholepetty Wildlife Sanctuary is a part of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which is spread across a 344 sq. km area in the Wayanad district, Kerala.

grassroots 2 года назад

Tholepetty Wildlife Sanctuary is a part of the Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary which is spread across a 344 sq. km area in the Wayanad district, Kerala.
