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Карма: 346.50

Roberto - has added a photo to the pool:

[Explore on January 30, 2016 #20]

"A volte le parole non bastano. E allora servono i colori. E le forme. E le note. E le emozioni"

-Alessandro Baricco

Gallery | Fluidr | Facebook

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Maram Banu has added a photo to the pool:

The calendar is a gift from my very talented friend Ekaterina Ivanova ♥

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riffana.resident has added a photo to the pool:

...after Hell froze over! :) Today was the first day in SL history that I wore high heels in public. :) I attended an art gallery event and had a pretty dress on and figured I could survive without my boots for one day... Also, pretty toes! *wiggl...

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hoomanz has added a photo to the pool:

Another day comes to an end with natures light show for all to enjoy

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