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Карма: 346.50

Apanacea has added a photo to the pool:

Mini flower project - I actually took two versions of this shot, one with the aircraft in and one without. When you have seen them both, you'll have to let me know which one you like better...!

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Txulalai has added a photo to the pool:

Iglesia de Santiago El Mayor en Zaragoza.

Es una de las iglesias más representativas del primer barroco zaragozano y por sus grandes proporciones tanto en el exterior como en el interior, refleja de modo ejemplar el espíritu triunfante de la Contrarrefor...

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spideysenses77 has added a photo to the pool:

If you could travel In time to any point - when would it be?

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Carolyn Hall Young has added a photo to the pool:

For DeeDee Rescher, a joyful friend for fifty years.
This is an iPad painting, made with iColorama. I used a photo from DeeDee's collection as a source in making this.
Don't worry, she always lands butter side up!
Sent with love. #1,370.

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