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Карма: 346.50

Lupis - 2008 has added a photo to the pool:

Sunset by the Detroit Riverfront, Windsor, Ontario, Canada.

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chasingthelight10 has added a photo to the pool:

The lights of the bridge, courthouse and Notre Dame Basilica reflected on the surface of the river Saone in Lyon, France.

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chasingthelight10 has added a photo to the pool:

From an overlook at Notre Dame Basilica on a hill above the historic district of Lyon, France.

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Gilbert Mercier has added a photo to the pool:

His Tattoos seemed to indicate an affiliation to the gang MS 13. Mara Salvatrucha -commonly known as MS13- originated somewhat modestly in Los Angeles among migrants from El Savador. But from humble beginnings, it has become, in 25 years, the bigge...

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Max McMillan has added a photo to the pool:

Large bone-shaped driftwood on the beach, Pacific Rim National Park Reserve - Long Beach. Between Tofino and Uclulet, BC.

[Explored #164 on 13 Aug 15]

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