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Карма: 346.50

Xenofon Levadiotis has added a photo to the pool:

Not a perfect photo by any means, had to stack 3 images under severe wind. Did my best on this little flying marvel!

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allthatisheavy.com has added a photo to the pool:

This was taken yesterday in downtown Salmon, Idaho in the parking lot of the Steele Memorial Clinic. Yesterday was another magical fall-weather day! The fall colors are definitely popping right now!!

PS: For the avoidance of any doubt: This pho...

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legionense1 has added a photo to the pool:

Fuente de Santo Domingo iluminada. León, España.
Santo Domingo fountain in coloured lights. Leon, Spain.

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aislanlima has added a photo to the pool:

Foco na premiação de um festival de música estrangeira, os troféus foram muito bem trabalhados!

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