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Карма: 346.50

marcuslange has added a photo to the pool:

Bronze statue on the Stadtgottesacker in Halle. On one of the most beautiful cemeteries I know are more such statues, partly of stone, partly of bronze.
Developed with VSCO and some adjustements

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GLX PHOTOGRAPHIES AMATEURS has added a photo to the pool:

Place ronde située à la Défense à Paris. Au détour de quelques tours, nous sommes tombées sur cette Place ronde surplombée d'un dôme d'acier et de verre. Nous avons pu profiter du retour du beau temps pour déclencher une série sur ce lie...

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infoto.pl has added a photo to the pool:

Sony A7 + Samyang 135mm f/2

BLOG entry on the lens: goo.gl/phNeaW

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rainerd61 has added a photo to the pool:

I have deliberately put out of focus. I wanted the colors and textures bring to bear. The photo polarized probably, I think- Berlin, Zoologischer Garten

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