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Карма: 346.50

Andrea Merletti has added a photo to the pool:

just a photo of my grandmother during christmas holidays.

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ericbeaume has added a photo to the pool:

NIKON D5100 - Obj. Nikon 50mm f/1.8 D & bonnette close-up Raynox 250.

Technique abstraite de l'huile et eau dans un saladier de verre, avec des papiers de couleurs différentes et un, parfois deux éclairages bien placés.
Lightroom faisant le reste pour ...

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Deborah Hoag has added a photo to the pool:

How to survive a boring (for a 3 year old) family reunion without distracting your mom.

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Deborah Hoag has added a photo to the pool:

These boys, after a fun game of soccer had to wait way to long for the photographer to organize them for a team picture. More fun for me!!

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