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Who likes good trance music? Here some links, and your ears will fill better with this music


13 лет назад



13 лет назад

Top 250 trance Dj http://www.tranceaddict.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=581167&forumid=1


13 лет назад

Пробую себя в качестве пиарщика )))


13 лет назад

lol What happened to Metalica? =/


13 лет назад

Metallica is the "best of the best". Today i got T-Shirt with "KORN". Sometimes i think, that i am too brutal :-)


13 лет назад

I have always liked Iron Maiden =D...do you like them?


13 лет назад

Yes, i do :-) Iron Maiden. Also i like Deep Purple and Rainbow :-)


13 лет назад

Me too!

I had ex boyfriend he was a guitarist and he made me listen to all this...now I like them alooot :D

This band too (below). Not many people have heard of them, but I do like this song....for you feniksa :] ''GIFT


13 лет назад

Thanks, sounds cool


13 лет назад

So you do like it? I sent you a message too...you dont read? :P


13 лет назад

Yep, i like it. In some places sounds like in Judas Priest, but i like this music ) realy ) But, your message i didn't saw


13 лет назад

hmmm strange...did you check in your messages now? oooh I hope it didnt go to someone else :P Its in my outbox still so I can send it again if you like. It wasnt very important :]

edit - I will send it again anyway :P

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