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Карма: -2.20

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

in paradoxical embolism there is asd and pulmonary embolism is not seen as emboli appear in art blood without passing thru lungs

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

tricuspid atresia is complete abscence of tricuspid valve.there is a septum between rt atria and ventricle. asd is seen usually in them

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

tetralogy of fallot

1 vsd

2 overriding of aorta

3 pulmonary stenosis

4 right ventricular hypertrophy

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

pulmonary edema is fliud accumulation IN the lungs while pleural effusion is excess fluid accumulation in pleural space

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

atelectasis is lack of gas exchange within alveoli due to alveolar collapse or fluid retention

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

ascites is commonly due to cirrhosis of liver

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

small airways to collapse during forced exhalation,as alveolar collapsibility is decreased.as a result air becomes trapped inside lungs

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

water absorption from collecting duct.aldosterone with angiotensin 2 causes tubular na cl reabsortion and k excretion

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

angiotensin 2 causes aldosterone secr from adrenal cortex.angiotensin 2 even causes ADH secretion from post pituatary lobe which causes TBC

drparimalpatel 14 лет назад

raas: when blood vol is low kidneys secrete renin.renin causes angiotensinogen to form angiotensin 1 the it in ACE forms angiotensin 2 TBC
