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Erectile dysfunction is a serious problem that should be treated with water 20 to 30 minutes before sexual activity.This medication should not be combined with alcohol, smoking, or fatty foods. You should take Cenforce 130 exactly as prescribed by your doctor.

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Sildenafil citrate is found in fildena tablets as an important ingredient. It has been used to remove the problem of ED from men.

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Vidalista tablet has been used as an effective medicine to treat the problem of erectile dysfunction in men. You can take this medicine with or without food. If you want to take this medicine with food, take it with nutritious food. So you can see the good effect of this medicine.

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Viagra tablets contain sildenafil citrate as a common ingredient. It has been used to cure the problem of impotence in men. Do not take this medicine if you are suffering from any other serious disease.

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Suhagra tablets contain sildenafil citrate as the active ingredient. It has been used to treat erectile dysfunction. Do not take this medicine if you are allergic to any of its ingredients.

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Vardenafil is found as an oral ingredient in Vilitra tablets. Used to treat erectile dysfunction in most men.

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