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Why Women All Over The World are Falling in Love With Moonstone Jewelry

Moonstone is a beautiful stone that not only resembles the moon in look but also exudes the charisma of the moon. The Moon's Magic is frequently linked to the moonstone's power. The feldspar family includes moonstone.

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What is 925 Sterling Silver & How to Know if it's Fake

Sterling silver is often confused to be exactly same as the regular silver we know about. Sterling silver and ordinary silver are not the same metal,

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Healing Stones & Crystals: Choose Your Suitable Gemstone Jewelry

Crystals are stones with special qualities and abilities. These crystals possess physical properties and atomic structure.

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How to Pick Exciting Gemstone Jewelry - Suitable for All Occasions in 2024

Jewelry is not a new concept; it has been cherished for generations. Jewelry has been praised by our predecessors as a sign of prosperity and dignity.

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Valentine's Day Special Gemstone Jewelry Gift Ideas

This generation is the generation of love and affection. You can see love everywhere around you and it won't be wrong to say that it is one of the most Romantic generations of all time. From Teenagers to Adults love has found its place everywhere.

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Which Gemstone Jewelry to Wear for New Year's Eve

The Year 2022 was a year full of ups and downs. It started with coming back to life after COVID and things getting back to normal.

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Incredible Holistic Guide to November Birthstones

The word 'Birthstone' draws people's attention due to its amazing astrological effects linked with planetary movement. Apart from this, their glossy and charming look also impresses and encourages people to buy them.

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Christmas Jewelry Tradition: What to Gift Every Year

Buying Christmas presents for your loved ones is the annual hassle that you just can’t avoid and have to repeat every year.

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September Birthstone: Properties, Benefits & Meaning of Having it for Your Close Ones

September marks the end of the rainy season and the beginning of the cool season. So it is a perfect time for getaways and trips.

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Benefits of Wearing Birthstone Jewelry

Life is a journey of joyful, sad, and tragic moments. Yet, challenges/complexities in life give you the strength to deal with them with complete confidence and dignity.

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