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Jay-Z, Rihanna, Kanye West - Run This Town


14 лет назад

I like this song too. really great. we have something in common. yep+

ещё 1 комментарий


14 лет назад

I QUIT MYSPACE <>Myspace is a heavy drug for me,~memories :)~ i should know i was addicted to it once. lol . mayber later this year i make a new one. too keep in touch with friends. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

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who ever watches you tube::::: cool; i will be on youtube one day. not.lol. idk. . don't be suprise if your on youtube.

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I like this a bit stupid but funny video=)


14 лет назад

@Effa Get on my horse I`ll take you around the universe and all the other places too ;)


14 лет назад


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