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FilmShortage describes WAR as "A simply visually stunning short, accentuating on amazing color contrasts and movement. Coercive macro shots are brought together through colors, heart pounding sounds and famous words by Leonard Cohen." WAR - starring Nana Agyapong director/editor: Jeff Consiglio

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Charles Bukowski's Nirvana revolves around a young man traveling to an undetermined destination, questioning his purpose in the world. Along the young man's aimless journey, he encounters a moment in time at a charming diner. In just that moment something is awakened inside of him, but even with ...

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The Boogerre video is a serenade, in the classical sense of the term. Lucas is not a prince or a disillusioned lover, he is a knight. He is anonymous, romantic and exceptional. The film is anchored in a classic and romantic iconography of "Romeo and Juliet" and musicals such as "Singing in the ra...

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Presented by SmartWater
In association with Moving the Still: A Gif Festival Directed by Sean Pecknold

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Domestic violence. To escape, you must react. Client: Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles • Agency: BONJOUR inc • Concept & Creation: Marine Vincent, Pierre Jadot • Copy: Marine Vincent, Carl Hansenne, Pierre Jadot • Production: LOVO Films • Directors: TheDeck & Lenitch • Producer: Francois Mercier • D...

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Track: HECQ "Enceladus" (with Skyence)
Taken from HECQ's album "Enceladus" (adn149)
Originally released by Ad Noiseam
adnoiseam.net. "Consumed" is another self-initiated personal project that I've written, designed and animated.
It's a 3D short film about a not so distant future, where extrem...

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Cast: Harrison Mendel, Virtu Media and Rupert WalkerTags: canon, sony, 60d, 5d2, 5d3, 5dmk2, 5dmk3, 5dmkii, 5dmkiii, fs100, nex-fs100, atomos, ninja, biking, mountain bikes, bikes, dirt jumping, jumping, mtb and dj

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A while back we were fortunate enough to add some design flair to a video biography about the Memphis all-star soul ensemble The Bo-Keys. As we viewed the raw footage we were struck by the fantastic stories of its legendary members. We thought that in particular, the lead guitarist, Charles "Sk...

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All landings at San Diego Int Airport on Black Friday Nov 23, 2012 between 1030am and 300pm
Fun new merchandise now available here! Ts, mugs - the whole nine: cafepress.com/cysfilm Hey look Mom - I'm on BoingBoing! Wow! please follow me on twitter @cysfilm
cysfilm.com For business inquiries re...

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There are many interesting and odd things to be found on the shores of the dying Salton Sea in southern California but maybe one of the most unique is the International Banana Museum. Recently transplanted from Culver City, the museum occupies a squat building on the side of the Highway 111 in Me...

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