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Adopting AI for Customer Service

When AI and customer service areas meet, they can completely change the customer experience from ‘okay’ to ‘wow’. Where do they meet? How? Can you help?

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AI and Supply Chain Management

What slips out when some companies try to make AI shine for SCM? Why is it so tough to bring the AI value to supply chains?

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Steps to Digital-Enabled Contract Lifecycle management

There is more to digitizing contract management than merely turning paper to clicks. What tools, processes, problems and remedies should you be ready with?

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Leading the New Digital-Native Generation

Can CIOs ever understand the small attention spans and big priorities of the Centennials? How to lead the digital-natives well?

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Strengthening Enterprise Core through Digital

It’s tempting to look into the future and reimagine customer areas with digital powers. But should you not look at current core systems too? How?

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Tracking Digital Progress and Performance

Can business and IT leaders ever find a common ground on KPIs? They ‘have to’, if they want to be on the fast track of digital progress. But how?

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Data Analytics as a Team Sport

Imagine business, data and IT areas working as a team to create a great score in data analytics? Sounds good? How to pick the coach and the playbook here?

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Rethinking Segmentation for Better Security

Segmentation helps in getting better security and swifter compliance. How to deal with the network downtime though? How to do it well?

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