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Drilling Survey Management: Strategies for Precise Wellbore Surveys and Placement
Drilling surveys are a critical component in the exploration and production of oil and gas resources. It encompasses the techniques and processes used to measure the trajectory of a wellbore, the narrow shaft drilled

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Drilling Rig Automation in Drilling Rig Companies Revolutionizing Efficiency
Drilling rig companies are at the forefront of this revolution, offering automated solutions that integrate with existing infrastructure. These companies are enhancing their rigs with sensors, control systems, and artif

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In Drilling Automation Practical Challenges to Consider for Model-Based Engineering | Helmerich & Payne
Model-based engineering has become more prevalent in the drilling industry over the last few decades. While there is great value in using models, a realistic understanding of the types of problem

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Navigating Mother Nature's Challenges: Ensuring Safety in Offshore Drilling Operations | Helmerich and Payne
A network of workgroups diligently monitors weather patterns year-round, comprised of contractors, operators, and third-party service providers.

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Drilling in Tornado Alley: A firsthand account of a rig manager who had to take cover | Helmerich and Payne
Drilling rigs are inherently exposed to the elements. Equipment must be designed to withstand some of the most severe environmental conditions, with drilling taking place in nearly all climate

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To What Extent Can the Notion of an Effective Length Be Reliable to Assess the BHA Lateral Behavior? | Helmerich & Payne
Many models in the industry use the notion of an effective length to make predictions about the bottom hole assembly (BHA), whether for its directional behavior or its lateral vib

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Improving surface oscillation tools performance using time-domain dynamics and torque and drag models | Helmerich & Payne
Overcoming friction in sliding mode represents a challenging task when drilling an unconventional well with a long lateral section.

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Fatigue tracking for mud motors and mwds in unconventional wells | Helmerich & Payne
As the industry continues to drill increasingly complex wells, the demand put on drilling equipment has increased and will continue to increase.

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Web-based Technologies for Real-time Directional Survey Quality Improvement
Directional surveys acquired by Measurement While Drilling (MWD) are subject to many errors that are not easily recognized by traditional Quality Control (QC) procedures. This commonly leads to inaccurate wellbore.

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Automated Drilling Rig | FlexFusion Automation | Helmerich & Payne
FlexApp parameters can be configured to automatically execute preplanned procedures for bit
engagement/disengagement, slide set-up and stall recovery.

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