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The competition inside the insurance industry has risen above expectation in all these years. While every sector is experiencing

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The term marketing intelligence’ is directly proportional to ‘knowing your customers well’. For a retail company

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Artificial Intelligence is one of the miraculous technological revolutions that has turned the marketing game upside down.

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One of the biggest hitches at the success of marketing is the leaking bucket. In marketing, the leaking bucket would be the situation

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One of the biggest hitches at the success of marketing is the leaking bucket. In marketing, the leaking bucket would be the situation where a marketer

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The world economy is currently trying to survive the worst-hit pandemic of the era. Covid-19 has affected businesses all around the globe. Based on the nature of businesses,

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Insurers have forever strived to prevent leakages due to fraud and have been developing systems and practices to combat fraud that costs them billions of dollars, annually.

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Insurance companies around the world, come across new challenges every year that interrupt the process and make it hard to maintain the company’s core competencies along with favoring high standards of customer satisfaction.

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