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Growing up in Vermont, Jake Blauvelt cut his teeth on the east coast contest scene, which is the lowest common denominator to the international ranks for any promising up-and-comer from the northeast. However, the mountains came calling and a few years ago, Jake had a choice to make. Instead of s...

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Robert Wallace | parallelteeth.com Animator:
Jonatan Jönsson | lowlands.seCast: Robert Wallace and LowlandsTags: Ezra Vine and Huntsman

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A movie Written and Directed by K-MICHEL PARANDI Producers: James Lawler & K-Michel Parandi
Executive Producer: Virgil Price
Co-Executive Producer: Lauren Beck Production Design & Concept Artist: Ben Mauro - Design art work: K-Michel Parandi & Ben Mauro - Costume Production Design: Julien Richa...

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Documenting the talents of amazing people who happen to surf. Iconic surfer Rob Machado has traveled the world for more than half his life. And during that time, he’s crossed paths with countless individuals who share a love for surfing and a passion for the arts. In his new series called Through...

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Following the latest trend born in the Italian Deep South called "pre-diciottesimo", Ground's Oranges is glad to introduce to you the first and only "prefunerale", a real pre-funeral-themed video having the aim to critically expose the trend of no-talent show off, born with the spread of internet...

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This clip from SAMSARA showing food production and consumption has been getting a lot of attention! SAMSARA is available on DVD and Blu-ray, as well as On Demand from Amazon, ITunes and Netflix. barakasamsara.com From SAMSARA producer Mark Magidson:
"We are happy this clip has struck a chord wi...

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Twitter - twitter.com/scientifantasti | Instagram - instagram.com/scientifantastic | Google+ - gplus.to/scientifantastic I was lucky enough to be sent to Rio on assignment to shoot some 4K and 10K timelapse footage for a major electron...

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