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'A man goes on a quest to find the spirit of a woman to whom he could never say goodbye.' Interview on how I made the film in 3 weeks on directorsnotes.com/2014/11/04/peter-vacz-james-all-im-saying/
Watch some making of images on facebook.com/peter.vacz.director STAFF
Director: Péter Vácz

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Travel to an adorable miniaturized version of Jordan in 4 minutes. See the amazing desert scenery of Wadi Rum, the incredible wonders of Petra and the cities of Amman and Aqaba like you have never seen it before.
Lawrence of Arabia meets Indiana Jones and Gulliver's Travels :) A tilt-shift film ...

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Available now on Criterion: criterion.com/boxsets/1069-the-complete-jacques-tatiCast: Criterion Collection and David CairnsTags:

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Profile on Mac Premo, multiple award winning artist and American stuffmaker.
See his work macpremo.com Made by basberkhout.nlCast: Bas BerkhoutTags:

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Director: James Lees
Production Company: Doomsday Entertainment
Executive Producer: Danielle Hinde
Producer: Kimberly Stuckwisch & Ian Blair
Director of Photography: Kevin Phillips
Costume Designer: Christina Flannery
Production Designer: Megan Fenton
Editor: Eric Greenburg
Colourist: Ric...

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Une jeune femme cherche à distinguer l'amour dans un monde d'abondance de possibilités et de promiscuité sexuelle.
A young woman is looking to single out love in a world of abundance of possibilities and sexual promiscuity.
musique par Capitaine Soldat festivals: Ottawa International Film fe...

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Created for the grand depart of the Tour de France 2014 from Yorkshire, Ghost Peloton fuses performance cycling with athletic choreography performed by Phoenix Dance Theatre’s dancers, and the varied landscapes of race route. Each rider, bike and performer was illuminated using NVA’s bespoke LED ...

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This is SAUSAGE, the Oscar contender and multi award winning animated short film. sausagefilm.net Picked by 'Short of the Week' and 'Cartoon Brew', now Vimeo 'Staff Pick'. What a sensational start!!! Awards:
Grand Jury Prize' - Amsterdam Film Fest
'Best Animation' - Mexico International Film ...

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Directed by Yoann Lemoine
Featuring Anja Rubik Production : Elias Belkeddar / Annabel Rosier
Director of Photography : Yoann Lemoine
1st Assistant Director : Antoine Poulet
1st Assistant Camera : Johan Leclaire Botarelli
Gaffer : Thierry Baucheron
Electrician : Sidney Baucheron
Key Grip : ...

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أكثر من ثلاث سنوات مرّت منذ انطلاق الفكرة إلى هذه اللحظة. كان هذا المشروع رفيقي في الغربة, لقد كان بمثابة العدو والصديق بالنسبة لي فأحيانا اشتاق للعمل عليه فامضي الساعات هناك وأحيانا أكرهه لدرجة تركه بالشهور.
بعد أكثر من شهرين من العمل المكثف, ولله الحمد, انتهيت من العمل عليه, وأنا اقدمه اليوم ب...

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