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Even in most small companies, one person is doing the job of both a data scientist and quant because they did not need an extra person to do the task due to the small business.

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You can use this application on social media platforms to predict customer behavior and the best product for individual customers.

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Quants did not involve machine learning tools, whereas you cannot imagine data scientists without knowing machine learning methodologies because it is a core part of data science.

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Predictive analytics is applied with the help of different models to know the highest customer value and then consider it to get the right offer for these customers.

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You can choose one from them because you have to work with data, and data will be of high importance in the future; it means a bright career is waiting for you to choose a data scientist career or quantitative analyst.

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And if someone doesn't have a diverse set of skills, then not only will it be difficult for you to do that job, but it will also become difficult for you to stand out from the crowd of job seekers and impress the interviewers.

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Data scientists and quants might have different educational degrees. But they have to be experts in mathematics, statistics and programming (to some extent for quants), and data analytics tools. To be a quantitative analysis, you have to build an understanding of finance.

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