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Карма: 0.00

dishank499 1 год назад

Automatic CPR Machine | SCHILLER India

SCHILLER’s EASY PULSE is the solution for more effective resuscitation: this portable, stand-alone device delivers high-quality chest compressions automatically.


dishank499 1 год назад

Exercise Stress Test | SCHILLER India

Symptomatic ECG, pneumonic capability testing, Exercise Pressure ECG, salvage gadgets for expert and lay clients, and patient observing: Our items are portrayed by their driving edge innovation, best caliber, and accuracy.

dishank499 1 год назад

SCHILLER India is one of the best diagnostic medical device manufacturers in India. Resting ECG, pulmonary function testing, rescue devices for professional and lay users, and patient monitoring: Our products are characterized by their leading-edge technology, highest quality and precision.
