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However, this time, not only renew your signature summer-spring scents but upgrade your collection with the latest launches that are the talk of the town.

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Its cult following is the result of truly global coverage, drawing on articles and think pieces from stylists, designers and entrepreneurs from across the world.

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We know how daunting it gets to pick out the best ones from a pool of products, which is why we’ve carefully curated a list for you.

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Is it just us or do you feel it? As one inches over 30, the number of roles we have to play keep increasing! Juggling all these responsibilities takes up every
second of the day and that there’s no time to go back home to change for social occasions we have to be at.

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We have zeroed down on the five best bridal hairstyles that are trending on Instagram and will make you look nothing short of a queen.

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We’re not just talking about painting your walls in the pink hue but also adding quirky and chic pink furniture for an audacious look.

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