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Securing your infrastructure can take considerable effort, and getting the correct level of security in place, at the right level, is key. It is easy to over-engineer a solution that may impact the entire user experience.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8339010

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How to prevent ransomware

Of all the cyber threats facing your business, ransomware is arguably the most dangerous. It will prohibit you from accessing files on the infected computer while demanding payment to have the restriction lifted. The infected computer will essentially be a paperweight.

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How to prevent ransomware

Of all the cyber threats facing your business, ransomware is arguably the most dangerous. It will prohibit you from accessing files on the infected computer while demanding payment to have the restriction lifted. The infected computer will essentially be a paperweight.

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How to prevent ransomware

Of all the cyber threats facing your business, ransomware is arguably the most dangerous. It will prohibit you from accessing files on the infected computer while demanding payment to have the restriction lifted. The infected computer will essentially be a paperweight.

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The rise of zoom bombers and how to prevent becoming a victim

You’ve set up a zoom meeting and sent out the invitations to your guests, and the time for your meeting has arrived. As your guests arrive for the meeting, you admit them into the zoom conference.

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How to protect yourself against covid-19 phishing attacks

COVID-19 was declared a global health emergency by WHO in March 2020. With infections and death rates on the rise, the pandemic caused by the spread of the novel coronavirus led to fear and apprehension.

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Are deep fakes the next major cybersecurity threat?
Artificial Intelligence has been around for quite some time now. It’s one of the greatest evolutions in technology. Data science has made some exciting strides in the area of artificial intelligence in the past few years.

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How to prevent your Facebook account from being cloned

Data has become the most critical resource in today’s world, and your personal information is no different. With everything about your life available on social media, it is not that difficult for those with ill intentions to find out everything

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Internet Cookies: Everything you need to know

Cookies are waiting for us everywhere we go, every time we buy something online. While that scenario sounds wonderful and a little ominous, in principle, most of us are aware that browser cookies are a reality of life in the digital era.

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Top 10 cyber security threat predictions for 2021
In recent times, we have become heavily reliant on digital technology that it is now an integral part of our daily life.
Digital advancements have allowed for seamless adoption and integration of turnkey solutions to virtually every part of society.

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