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Jeff Cann | CIO Talk Network

Jeff has a diverse background of more than 20 years in information technology spanning basic research, software and system engineering, enterprise architecture, IT Operations, Service Desk, program and project management, and business consulting.

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Data Analytics as a Team Sport

Imagine business, data and IT areas working as a team to create a great score in data analytics? Sounds good? How to pick the coach and the playbook here?

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Rethinking Segmentation for Better Security

Segmentation helps in getting better security and swifter compliance. How to deal with the network downtime though? How to do it well?

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Acing the Security Leadership Recipe for Digital

When an organization switches to the digital DNA; the tools and approaches for security change too. How are smart security leaders handling this shift?

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How is the Government Preparing to Defeat Global Cyber Crime?
Global cyber-crime is a nightmare that’s growing every day. Are governments equipped to fight this beast? Would they collaborate to get stronger, and how?

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Rewriting the Application Access Playbook

When Cloud becomes the new office, when applications and workforce both go off-premise, should you re- write your application access playbook? How?

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Addressing the top three CISO challenges

What are the top 3 security challenges for today’s CISOs? They’re not about securing the perimeter alone, for sure. Then what are they? How tough are they?

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