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6 похожих стикеров

openadispensary 12 лет назад

Sweet customer saw my video and decided to send me a sweet pic! Check it out guys, If you like this pic please go to my website and hit my google+1 button, its under the as seen on TV image, http:www.How-To-Open-A-Dispensary.com

anonymous 12 лет назад

I think this company is a fraud, extremely poor customer relations, however, excellent at taking money out of your account. One month later not even a tracking number.

anonymous 12 лет назад

I came upon this site to find out just where I can donate a ton of clothing=good clothing for those that are in need, only to find that addresses and locations are missing. What the hell are you running ??? Get the locations up there.

anonymous 13 лет назад

It would be better if the place where we're supposed to "click" to track our order was clearly marked: "TRACK YOUR ORDER HERE". You can't really tell where to go because there are so many things on this page. It's confusing. Thanks,

Cynde L. Hammond


RaeShantael 13 лет назад


Just made this for a girl here on FB. Check it out!

ShoutSection 14 лет назад

Love this, check out:


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История действий

  • написал пост 28th Oct