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catsdaily: This kitty is wild, but still cute... Siberian lynx looking into your soul: http://bit.ly/pYgcvp #cats

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5 похожих стикеров

anonymous 13 лет назад

this web site sucks, ya go looking for a simple camera driver thats been around for 10 yrs and this site steers you to buy unless stuff, any link that does work just goes to an out of date manufacturers web site where ya still have to search...go out of bussiness ya bums

anonymous 13 лет назад

It would be better if the place where we're supposed to "click" to track our order was clearly marked: "TRACK YOUR ORDER HERE". You can't really tell where to go because there are so many things on this page. It's confusing. Thanks,

Cynde L. Hammond


Tara 13 лет назад

=D lol so fat...but still cute

PamelaDean 13 лет назад

I think putting the colors of Save-A-Lot store and logo is needed on this page. Too generic, makes it look like your in the wrong place.

anonymous 13 лет назад

this site is a scam takes your money then closes site down ,

was owened by r.d.weekly now tells me he sold site but he dosent know who to

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История действий

  • написал пост 13th Jul