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Blockchain Community India is progressive and technology-driven which helps our traditional business to grow and become a tech-driven business of the 21st century.

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As the pandemic refuse to die, economies across the globe are tumbling, further, the government measures such as lockdown and other restrictions have led to the adverse effect on business owners.

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The Blockchain Community in India has changed and is still changing the aspects of different industries and businesses. With blockchain and AI, the working dynamics have changed positively with slow and steady growth.

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Learn how blockchain technology can improve public and private school education and watch the actual blockchain use cases in educational systems

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Blockchain for Business is an Online Degree™ designed to demonstrate how Blockchain can revolutionize everyday business processes

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What is Blockchain in education? Blockchain is a new way of thinking about how we organize and utilize student (and even faculty) data online, providing them with a sense of ownership, ease of access, and immutability – and it just may take over the way we store education data in the future

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Blockchain Community India needs no introduction to digital age investors. Not many technologies have succeeded in capturing the imagination and interest of people as has Blockchain Community India

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2020 has been an impactful year for all the years and the need of doing business using technology has never been more.

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