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Blockchain communities across the globe hold a bright future. It holds a promise for all to build a trustworthy community that can have meaningful conversations beyond cryptocurrency. These communities would be a single stop for blockchain enthusiasts.

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As technology is becoming an integral part of businesses and ordinary lives, it's the need of the hour to focus on data privacy and digital identity. Blockchain technology provides a solution to these vital issues.

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Blockchain Community India emerges as a key player, it is the first Blockchain technology-based community that provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing between technology experts and business owners in over 11 traditional business.

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Blockchain Community of India is a conglomerate of domain experts, entrepreneurs, and technologists which have decided to come together and explore the opportunities brought in by Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain.

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Blockchain Community of India has a very clear and progressive vision. AI Community India is looking forward to tapping this opportunity firsthand and develop itself into a leadership position at least in domains of these eleven traditional businesses.

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Blockchain Community India have pledged itself to be a leader in the area of modern technologies and develop applications which would enhance these eleven traditional businesses.

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The rise of Blockchain based Business Community will only make the global business atmosphere stronger and many small players will be able to compete

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Blockchain Community India is an innovative platform which aims to introduce advance tech like Blockchain and Artificial intelligence into traditional businesses and make them more powerful and equipped toward their ever-growing customers' needs.

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