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Women experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and the more serious Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) hourly have trouble sleeping

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Women experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and the more serious Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) hourly have trouble sleeping.

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Autism is a prevalent disorder as ASD; it inhibits children’s performance like learning and completing daily chores independently. These kids are unique, and know two kids develop the same symptoms.

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Autism is a prevalent disorder as ASD; it inhibits children’s performance like learning and completing daily chores independently. These kids are unique, and know two kids develop the same symptoms.

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'Immunotherapy' to treat Autism Spectrum Disorder, Dr A M Reddy's Autism Centre sparks a new hope: Most people these days are preoccupied with daily tasks and are unable to cherish the rejuvenating moments with family and loved ones.

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Given the complex nature of the disorder, Dr. A M Reddy, who is a renowned Homeopathic physician, took it upon himself to explore the underlying causes for ASD in order to develop a potential treatment.

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Autism is rather widespread in the modern era, with one out of every eleven children suffering from the illness.

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There's no right or the wrong way to feel. But the physical process, hazards, cautioning signs, possible complications, and treatments are the same.

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