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Карма: 0.00

With the rising popularity of small scale homes, 5 marla and 7 marla prove to be the best and most economical choice for people in Pakistan. Whether you want to live in the house or rent it for investment purposes, a 5 marla house proves to be the best investment option for you.

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Every successful, strong, and thriving country is based on its taxes system. To stabilize your country’s economy, you should pay your property taxes in Pakistan on time. Most business tycoons and rich people firstly build up their properties and companies, and when it comes to paying your tax.

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The capital of Pakistan, Islamabad has its own charm with broad roads, greenery and planned sectors. A grand city that was built in 1960, this then replaced Karachi as the capital of Pakistan. To the north of Islamabad, the beautiful Margalla Hills are present, with lakes and rivers throughout.

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We cannot deny that the construction industry has gained popularity and progress as the same real estate industry. Both of them are connected with each other. Real estate assets while construction needs to be top-level.

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Working from home is an appealing option, whether you’re starting a new business or looking for a way to supplement your income. Working from home has several advantages, including the ability to save time and money.

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Peshawar is considered to be one of the most exciting and culturally rich places to visit. The city has a centuries-old history of Alexander, Mughals and different invasions.

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Working from home is an appealing option, whether you’re starting a new business or looking for a way to supplement your income.

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Pakistan is endowed with breathtaking landscapes, magnificent deserts, and a plethora of natural resources. Pakistan is mostly an agricultural country that relies significantly on water resources for agriculture.

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