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just typed a really really long message forum rules etc and the bloody forum2go went offline!!! NOT NICE!!!!! been typing for 2 hours d**n

Ctrl + Enter

5 похожих стикеров

anonymous 13 лет назад

this web site sucks, ya go looking for a simple camera driver thats been around for 10 yrs and this site steers you to buy unless stuff, any link that does work just goes to an out of date manufacturers web site where ya still have to search...go out of bussiness ya bums

anonymous 13 лет назад

i dont know i was thier for 1 hour anoying on friday morning and wehave to be thier by 8

mshate 13 лет назад

I already love the BN classics for the footnotes and intros--these covers just fill me with deeper longing.

anonymous 13 лет назад

Today I purchased a Chicken Chipolte Sandwich from your Goleta Deli It was dry cold and had no sauce at all! I have been a customer for a long time I work

anonymous 13 лет назад

Today I purchased a Chicken Chipolte Sandwich from your Goleta Deli It was dry cold and had no sauce at all! I have been a customer for a long time I work

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История действий

  • отредактировал стикер 02th Jul
  • отредактировал стикер 02th Jul
  • отредактировал стикер 02th Jul