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There are two articles in the April/May edition which have spelled British Columbia as British Colombia. Proofreaders should be better.

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5 похожих стикеров

Hotelscyprus58 13 лет назад

There are number of rocky hills in CyprusAt the same time you must not forget to visit, Troödos mountains.

Hotelscyprus59 13 лет назад

There will be multiple events as well which interprets the Cyprus tradition and culture. To watch all these events and

enjoy your vacation.

Cyprusholiday44 13 лет назад

Cyprus will be like an open air museum. There are more than 15 monuments for you to visit on your Cyprus Holidays.

cyprusholi353 13 лет назад

Cyprus is a land of fun. There are number of ways to make

your Cyprus Holidays a best thing.

nlnnet 13 лет назад

Should we look it up?

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