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Stickr - это бесплатный сервис, позволяющий комментировать любой вебсайт и делиться любой информацией в сети Интернет, оставлять записки для себя и своих друзей, и все это с помощью одной кнопки в вашем броузере!
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Well it seems can no longer post in the commnets section A week of "BAD GATEWAY" Oh well I got a virus from 1 of last weekends games. I GO!


14 лет назад

yes... i gotta virus too... so i guess that means everyone got it who installed it, huh...omg...there was a program they gave away several weeks ago that actually installed 2 programs...in a SLICK, SNEAKY way...it did not mention that it would be installing the one HIDDEN program..but it did..I cant remember the name of it right this minute...but I will check into it...it may be important...I just remembered...so i need to bring it to there attention somehow....Are you aware of the giveaway i'm mentioning...??? let me know what you think...

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3 похожих стикера

StickrAdmin 14 лет назад

this is a great user friendly and very useful tol isnt it. you can post, comments, or even review things. enjoy stickr!


StickrAdmin 14 лет назад

please if you can, rate stickrs that other people posted you can do it strait on the stickr page by clicking public feed.

StickrAdmin 14 лет назад

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you can post stickrs any where on the internet too

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История действий

  • реакция like 01th Jan
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 01th Jan