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susan u r my sunshine
ur hippie dippie haircut makes me want to pee =)
carrots apple sauce !! There is no e in ur name..wait..SAME!!!!

Ctrl + Enter

4 похожих стикера

scorke 14 лет назад


hey cool here

you want to make a site ?

check scorkes free sites @


LoneWolf1955 14 лет назад

They want U to go to a web sight to get the crack but when U get there the link is broken

anonymous 14 лет назад

Why hate Ashraf. If you don't like his reviews than just ignore them. There are some who would want to know someone elses opinions.

CarlosCoria 14 лет назад

If you want find out full softwares, Taringa it´s the site.

There´s lot of topics to share too.

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