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4 похожих стикера

anonymous 14 лет назад

Something in 1AVCenter caused me to repeatably get system crashed (BSOD – Blue Screen of Death) under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit, so I thought it wi...

same problem with me!!

trinya 14 лет назад

Laughter increases levels of a hormone called beta-endorphines (which elevates mood state) by 27% and increases human growth hormone by 87%. Human ...

People who laugh a lot are much healthier than those who don't.

syifa22 14 лет назад

LOVE THIS WITH A BIG CAPITAL BOLD LETTERS. I often inspirated by this magazine and friends ♥

nlnnet 14 лет назад

Try any 4-digit number with non-repeating digits, and you'll *always* get 6174...

Самое интересное
