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There are many facets to recovery after childbirth but the mother’s diet is at its core.

Address: 151 Chin Swee Rd, Singapore 169676
Phone: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website: https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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Angel Confinement Meals recognizes the importance of taking care of our mothers who have brought a new life into the world.

Address: 151 Chin Swee Rd, Singapore 169676
Phone: +65-97788738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website: https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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There are many facets to recovery after childbirth but the mother’s diet is at its core. It is important to supply the body.

Address: 151 Chin Swee Rd, Singapore 169676
Phone: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website: https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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At Angel Confinement Meals, we boast a great team of experienced chefs and nutritionists to curate and prepare your confinement meals.

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We pride ourselves in nourishing our mothers with only fresh and organic ingredients along with premium Grade A TCM-approved herbs
Address : 151 Chin Swee Rd Singapore 169676
Tel: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website - https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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Address : 151 Chin Swee Rd Singapore 169676
Tel: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website - https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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Address : 151 Chin Swee Rd Singapore 169676
Tel: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg
Website - https://www.angelconfinementmeals.com.sg/

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There are many facets to recovery after childbirth but the mother’s diet is at its core.

Address : 151 Chin Swee Rd Singapore 169676
Tel: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg

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Our in-house chef and nutritionist possess the knowledge and skills needed to serve the best confinement food, taste and nutrition.
Address : 151 Chin Swee Rd Singapore 169676
Tel: +65-9778 8738
Email: sales@angelconfinementmeals.com.sg

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