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5 похожих стикеров

relort 14 лет назад

There are some things in this world that will never be forgotten, this week’s 40th anniversary of the moon landing for one. But Moore’s Law and our...

100 вещей о которых ваши дети могут не узнать.

syifa22 14 лет назад

school and everyone who work there are so mean Q____Q they totally take away all the peace and happiness you get from holidays!!
good luck wi...

dollfacesaori (Saori) said that to me. And I agree, perfectly, no doubt. And I miss her! ;W;

mibgaidhani 14 лет назад

FILEminimizer Pictures from balesio compresses digital photos and images and achieves file size reductions by up to 98%. For example, a JPEG photo ...

This is a good software :) I like that. compressed my 5.2Mb file into 824Kb file :)

Really Good!!

jQuery 14 лет назад

e jQuery documentation is great, very complete, nicely written and with a lot of examples and demos. The only thing that bugs me is the way we have...

jQAPI - Alternative jQuery Documentation - For Version 1.4.1

anonymous 14 лет назад

Stickr is an amazing tool to comment anything on the web, to share your ideas with your friends or to leave a note for yourself. Stickr lets you tr...


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История действий

  • оставил стикер 26th Mar