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abhinav_tyagi 1 день назад

Level up your learning with exciting GK questions for Class 4! Test your knowledge on various subjects, expand your curiosity, and have fun while learning.

abhinav_tyagi 2 дня назад

How do I find the top CBSE school in Pune?

abhinav_tyagi 2 дня назад

What is the benefit of studying at a top school?

abhinav_tyagi 3 дня назад

Learn the importance of writing numbers in words, including the correct way to express 13000 in English. Discover why it's crucial for clarity in communication and essential for tasks like check writing.

abhinav_tyagi 3 дня назад

Boost your Class 10 knowledge with our comprehensive GK questions and answers. Perfect for exam preparation!

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Discover how our play-based curriculum fosters creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration in young learners. Explore our innovative approach to education today!

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Applying to primary schools is a significant milestone in a child's educational journey and can be an overwhelming process for parents. The choices made during primary school admissions can shape a child's academic and social development for years to come.

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Play-based learning is a foundation of early childhood education, offering a dynamic and engaging approach that fosters holistic development in young children. From imaginative play to hands-on exploration

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Preparing your child for preschool is a significant milestone that can set the foundation for their future learning experiences. As parents, it’s natural to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety about this new chapter in your child’s life.

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Extracurricular activities play an important role in shaping the holistic development of primary school in India . While academic excellence is important, these supplementary activities offer various benefits that enrich a child's overall learning experience.

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

Fostering Creativity and Curiosity: Innovative Learning Activities for Preschoolers

abhinav_tyagi 1 неделю назад

How many schools are there in Bangalore?
