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generic lyrica 300 mg is prescribed to treat adult patients with fibromyalgia, diabetic nerve pain, spinal cord injury pain, and pain from shingles.

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Cenforce 150 mg is essentially an allopathic medicine, which contains Sildenafil Citrate as its key ingredient.
The 150mg dosage is available in the form of tablets, coming in 10 in a pack. The drug is fundamentally used for the prevention and effective treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) in men

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Cenforce 100 is the most popular prescribed medicine by doctors for treating erectile dysfunction in men.

It is a popular alternative to Viagra and ensures the proper flow of blood to the male reproductive organ, aiding in a firm erection during sexual intercourse.

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Pain O Soma 500mg medicine is used for the treatment of musclepain very effectively. It also offers quick relief from the pain which is often caused by muscle contractions, strain, and due to injury.

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