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Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. is a Professor
Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. has a passion for fatherhood, education, mentoring, community engagement, human services, and social justice.

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Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. is a Professor
Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. has a passion for fatherhood, education, mentoring, community engagement, human services, and social justice.

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Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. is a Professor
Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. has a passion for fatherhood, education, mentoring, community engagement, human services, and social justice.

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Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. is a Professor

Carl Stokes is an award-winning social worker, educator, Keynote Speaker and speaker living in the scenic Buffalo, New York with his family.
He works as a college instructor and recently received his doctorate in education.

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Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. is a Social Worker
Dr. Carl Stokes Jr. has a passion for fatherhood, education, mentoring, community engagement, human services, and social justice.


3 года назад


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Work_Gamification and Employee_Engagement

Gamification is the application of game elements in a non-game context such as for instance, the workplace. It's a commonly used marketing technique to boost customer loyalty and increase engagement.


3 года назад


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If your prayer life is completely sorted this is not the book for you! If however, you sometimes can’t quite find the right words to say, or find yourself praying for the same sort of things all the time, this book is here to help.

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If your prayer life is completely sorted this is not the book for you! If however, you sometimes can’t quite find the right words to say, or find yourself praying for the same sort of things all the time, this book is here to help.

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