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Oh! I'm new in here! i want to improve English language . i need to heeeeeeelp


12 лет назад



12 лет назад

Hello! You can join to ''English Club on the Stickr. And improve your English with all!


12 лет назад

@nlnnet: Thank you!

@JamES: Thanks a lot for helping me :)


12 лет назад



12 лет назад

:) !

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6 похожих стикеров

Tara 13 лет назад

We’re not done yet, but Chrome OS is at the stage where we need feedback from real users. Some of the features of Chrome OS require new hardware, b...

Google giving Chrome OS notebooks to developer, schools and businesses in Pilot. US only for now but is going to include other countries :]

CarlosCoria 13 лет назад

#English Looking for some tips to improve my English I found out this website: Real English, very interesting way to help us.

nora 13 лет назад

eLearning & Virtual Worlds. You can find here everything, what you need to learn languages for free.

Locoling Club in the Second Life

anonymous 14 лет назад


this is confusing when you need to register! do you want people to get the free download?

CarlosCoria 14 лет назад

This is one of the best sites to improve our learning language. It´s like a social network where a lot of Translators take part in.

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История действий

  • реакция like 11th Aug
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 07th Aug
  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 04th Aug