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In Australia (Queensland) a young guy falls to his death while trying to 'plank' off a 7 story building drunk


12 лет назад

so stupid death. it's sad :(


12 лет назад

The death is terrible.....but this 'planking' thing is so stupid...I cant stop laughing at it. I had never heard of 'planking' till this death though :(

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5 похожих стикеров

anonymous 12 лет назад

Love what Marc is doing here, clearly a talented young guy though I would like to see his website updated more often.

anonymous 13 лет назад

I have been using these guys for 10 years. They always deliver promptly.

I have saved heaps using compatible cartridges from inksite.

Tara 13 лет назад

I love this video. All made in Cinema4D and After Effects. This guy is brilliant.....and shares his knowledge too (see his videos for tuts)

Hunterpeach 13 лет назад

guy trying to be a gross lady

Tara 13 лет назад

Poor Queensland about to be hit again....the biggest Cyclone in Australia's history in about 1.5 hours

:( I an very worried for everyone :(

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