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This is truly amazing.....My dream is to one day, be able to do this type of 3D/VFX work.....


13 лет назад

Dreams Come True! :)


13 лет назад

Beautiful ...


13 лет назад

Very beautiful. Abstract balls in abstract world... And i liked realization of dandelion

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5 похожих стикеров

myworld2u 13 лет назад

This thing about blurry monitor .. as i got one at home

myworld2u 13 лет назад

This one is done by the normal stickr tab.

Yup it can copy the graphic to the stickr. pretty neat this one. Also group the stickr

myworld2u 13 лет назад

Looks nice but need pull down menu for the various pages.. more than this one. The font should be bigger. This type seem ok

Tara 13 лет назад

Did you see this one? I thought Chameleons cant go red? I heard it makes them sick or they die?

myworld2u 13 лет назад

Time for me to go and meet up with daughters at KLS. What a bored 1st working day of the decade. And tommorow i am taking a day off despite.

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