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Glide OS


13 лет назад

Glide OS is a comprehensive Ad-Free cloud computing solution. Glide provides a free suite of rights-based productivity and collaboration applications with 30GBs of storage.



13 лет назад

Wow, it is online OS!


13 лет назад

Yeah its really quite good :] I have been using it for a while. I just forgot to put it up before (I actually thought I already had) :S


13 лет назад

I cant believe this moron is still voting all my stickr's with a - :S @ queenzebra....whatever floats your boat...you idiot! ;-)


13 лет назад

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13 лет назад

@ zebrawhatever Reporting my stickrs just bothers the admins....not me. Soon (hopefully) they will decide you are more work than your worth and get rid of you! Keep doing it ;-)


13 лет назад

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13 лет назад

hm, for a bit strange OS, client side wrote on flash. All online resources have one big trouble - if your internet connection will go down, all your resources (music/pictures/documents) will be offline too. Thats why i prefer OpenOffice (not google docs), music on local hardware and all needed resources on my local computers. But, i used such os just for fun. @Tara, thanks for your link ))


13 лет назад

Yeah I agree, but its good to keep all the unimportant things that you would normally have clogging up your PC....the stuff you can live without but you keep cause you think it might be useful one day :D Or stuff you dont use on a day to day basis....as you said "just for fun". Its very handy :]


13 лет назад

sorry that was @ feniksa ;-)


13 лет назад

who are you to talk to me like that i dont know you. and you dont need to talk to my friend like that ether you need to jsut stay away fro m zebra.you dont know who you dealing with hear so stop your shit i dont take much of it and who puts down my friedns like that you dont know me and you sure dont know my friedn zebra cause she sweet and dont ack like you . so you better watch you back girl i could be your owrse emey for sure so dont temp me. i dont put up with people like you what so ever knocking everone down you dont even know. so look out or else cause you dont have nothing on me cause im not zebra im tryign t o pertect my friedns . take a hike cause you are a troulbe maker for sure.


13 лет назад

pffft yeah right....thats the funniest thing I have heard all year.


13 лет назад

@kittycat, we've asked you to stop causing scandals and following Tara. If you came on our site to threaten our long-term residents then you'll better leave. If this continues we'll have to block you account. So please stop your harassments. If you don't like Tara then put her into your blacklist and you won't see her stickers in the public feed.


13 лет назад

Пользователь был заблокирован

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  • оставил комментарий к стикеру 01th Oct