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Kool Electric Guitar :]


14 лет назад

I like this site now :D

(after I saw Front's Combine Video) lol


14 лет назад

:D )))))))))


14 лет назад

hehe :D


14 лет назад

Wow, Iron Man with Tesla Tower :-) Hehe


14 лет назад

:D lol


14 лет назад

It does not work


14 лет назад

um yes it does :S


14 лет назад

It does not work on my laptop


14 лет назад

I dont give a shit ;-)


14 лет назад

you're mean


14 лет назад

Listen here..... I get an email notification saying you are following me. Then I get bombarded with over 20 emails of your comments to my Stickr's.....all nasty and with negative ratings. I dont even know you....nor do I want to. I dont want you to follow me or even look at anything I put up here! You even rated this video badly....and you havent even watched it! Of course I dont care if you see it now you idiot!


14 лет назад

and you say Im mean....grow the hell up!


14 лет назад

What kind of nonsense? @Hunterpeach Disappear.


14 лет назад

@ Front :] Thanks. You know, Im now having troubles with these two idiots (hunter whatever and that zebra thing) I dont know what I have done in the first place to receive all this. I would be more accepting of it if they had anything good to offer. Since they joined the place has been bombarded with Bratz dolls and zebra images (which they just google)....and I have never ever rated one negatively or said anything. I just grin and bare it like everyone else here has to! Now all of a sudden they have a cheek to rate my stickrs badly. Alot of mine I made myself, so ofc Im getting offended :(


14 лет назад

I am not following any more . You made me feel really bad. I am never going to comment on your things again.


14 лет назад

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